Program Fees

Fees are due at time of registration. Priority for advanced classes will be given to those who have taken introductory classes.

All prices are CAD.

Acting for Adults Price
Intro to Acting (8 classes - 2 hrs) $120.00
Voice & Movement Basics (6 classes - 1.5 hrs) $95.00
Scene Study for Beginners (8 classes - 2 hrs) $120.00
Scene Study - Intermediate (8 classes - 2 hrs) $120.00
Character Development - Intermediate (6 classes - 1.5 hrs) $95.00
Improv (8 classes - 1.5 hrs) $100.00
Acting for Teens Price
Intro to Acting (8 classes - 1.5 hrs) 90.00
Monologues for Teens (6 classes - 1.5 hrs) 75.00
Scene Study for Beginners (8 classes - 1.5 hrs) 90.00
Character Development (6 classes - 1.5 hrs) 90.00
Scene Study with Showcase (8 classes - 1.5 hrs) 100.00
Acting for Kids Price
Intro to Acting - Ages 6-8 (6 classes - 1 hr) $72.00
Scene Study and Showcase (8 classes - 1 hr) $90.00
Intro to Acting - Ages 9 - 11 (6 classes -1 hr) $72.00
Scene Study and Showcase (6 classes - 1 hr) $90.00
Classes and Workshops Price
Private Acting Lessons $35/hr
Adult Intro to Improv Workshop (3 hrs) $30.00
Teen Intro to Improv Workshop (3 hrs) $30.00
Acting for Film Workshop TBD
Monologue Mastery TBD
Impov Drop-In (1.5 hrs) TBD

I acknowledge that my participation in acting classes and workshops is undertaken at my own risk for any injury or loss. If I am the parent or legal guardian of a participant under the age of 18, I confirm that I am assuming responsibility for their participation. I hereby release Studio 97a Theatre Arts, its staff, volunteers, instructors, and any individuals contracted to facilitate these programs from any liability for injuries or losses that may occur during participation. I also understand that a $20.00 administrative fee will apply for program withdrawal.